Scope of the symposium
The aim of the symposium is to describe and evaluate the
major threats to a ship's hull:
- corrosion and biocorrosion of the ballast tanks
- fouling of the outside hull on micro- and macro-scale
and the different methods of prevention and protection (paints, anodes, ...)
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Scientific/Organizing committee
- Prof. Capt. Dr. Kris De Baere
- Dr. Geert Potters
You can contact the organizers by e-mail:
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Registration fee
- Registration before 1 February 2019 : 150 EUR
- Registration after 1 February 2019 : 200 EUR
Please note that your participation will only be confirmed after
payment of the amount due on account
BE86 7330 5657 2450 (IBAN)
owned by the Hogere Zeevaartschool Antwerpen.
Add your name and the word CORROSION to the
statement section of your transaction.
Contributing to the discussions
The organizers welcome your input for the discussion sessions.
You can post your comments & questions on the topics by clicking one of
the question mark icons
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The financial and technical support of the following organizations
and programmes is gratefully acknowledged.
, Hogere Zeevaartschool Antwerpen - Antwerp Maritime Academy