This intense collaboration started in 2007 with an in situ assessment of the quantity and type of corrosion in the ballast tanks of merchant ships and still goes on today.
At this moment the group consist out of 4 members with a very heterogeneous background.
Kris De Baere (27-10-1958)
Geert Potters (4-5-1976)
Remke Willemen (28-10-1976)
Raf Meskens (30-6-1968)
2009: In situ study of ballast tank corrosion on ships: part 1 Verstraelen Helen, De Baere Kris, Schillemans Willy, Lemmens Lucien, Dewil Raf, Lenaerts Silvia, Potters Geert Materials performance, National Association of Corrosion Engineers [Houston, Tex.], ISSN 0094-1492-48:10(2009), p. 48-51 |
2009: In situ study of ballast tank corrosion on ships: part 2 Verstraelen Helen, De Baere Kris, Schillemans Willy, Lemmens Lucien, Dewil Raf, Lenaerts Silvia, Potters Geert Materials performance, National Association of Corrosion Engineers [Houston, Tex.], ISSN 0094-1492-48:11(2009), p. 54-57 |
2010: Impact of tank construction on corrosion of ship ballast tanks De Baere Kris, Verstraelen Helen, Dewil Raf, Lemmens Lucien, Lenaerts Silvia, Nkunzimana Tharcisse, Potters Geert Materials performance, National Association of Corrosion Engineers [Houston, Tex.], ISSN 0094-1492 -49:5(2010), p. 48-54 |
2013: Reducing the cost of ballast tank corrosion : an economic modeling approach De Baere Kris, Verstraelen Helen, Rigo Philippe,dVan Passel Steven, Lenaerts Silvia, Potters Geert Marine structures, ISSN 0951-8339-32(2013), p. 136-152 Full text (Publishers DOI): |
2013: Study on alternative approaches to corrosion protection of ballast tanks using an economic model De Baere Kris, Verstraelen Helen, Rigo Philippe, Van Passel Steven, Lenaerts Silvia, Potters Geert Marine structures, ISSN 0951-8339-32(2013), p. 1-17 Full text (Publishers DOI): |
2014: A field study of the effectiveness of sacrificial anodes in ballast tanks of merchant ships De Baere Kris, Verstraelen Helen, Lemmens Lucien, Lenaerts Silvia, Dewil Raf, Van Ingelgem Yves, Potters Geert Journal of marine science and technology, Society of Naval Architects of Japan, ISSN 0948-4280-19:1(2014), p. 116-123 |
2016: Assessment of corrosion resistance, material properties, and weldability of alloyed steel for ballast tanks Kris De Baere , Helen Verstraelen , Remke Willemen , Jean-Pierre Smet , Jérôme Tchoufang Tchuindjang , Jacqueline Lecomte-Beckers , Silvia Lenaerts, Raf Meskens, Hwan Gyo Jung , Geert Potters. Journal of marine science and technology, Society of Naval Architects of Japan, J Mar Sci Technol (2016). doi:10.1007/s00773-016-0402-1, p. 1-24 |
2016: The economics of a long term coating Remke Willemen, Helen Verstraelen, Raf Meskens, Deirdre Luyckx, Koen Vastmans, Silvia Lenaerts , Geert Potters, Kris De Baere. Submitted 10-2016 to the International Journal of Maritime Engineering and awaiting comments of the reviewers |