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Professor of Naval hydrodynamics &
Director of Research, Strathclyde University https://www.strath.ac.uk/staff/atlarmehmetprofessor/ mehmet.atlar@strath.ac.uk |
Professor Mehmet Atlar joined the Dept of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering (NAOME) in 2016 under the Global Talent Platform initiative of Strathclyde University, as the Professor of Naval Hydrodynamics and responsible for directing the research and knowledge exchange activities of NAOME. He had a BSc and MSc degrees in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from the Technical University of Istanbul while a PhD degree from Glasgow University in the field of dynamic motion responses of semi-submersibles. He worked as a technical consultant at British Maritime Technology Ltd in Newcastle upon Tyne until he was appointed as an academic member of staff in Newcastle University in 1994. During this appointment, he was the director of Emerson Cavitation Tunnel as well as the Professor of Ship Hydrodynamics in the School of Marine Science and technology.
Prof Atlar's main research and teaching interests lie in the field of experimental and computational hydrodynamics with a bias on ship applications. He focuses on ship performance, and propulsion, as well as motion responses and his recent research interests, comprise novel hull-form designs, propulsor design and performance including cavitation and underwater noise. He has a specific interest in antifouling coatings and marine biofouling, and its impact on ship performance. He is also interested in energy saving of ships and rotating type renewable energy saving devices with biomimetic applications.
Prof Atlar had been the member of various ITTC technical committees at technical and chair level (Specialist Committees on Unconventional Propulsors, Azimuthing Podded Propulsors, I and II, Water Quality and Cavitation, Surface Treatment) as well as the member of the Advisory Council. He has led onto numerous collaborative EC Framework Programme projects, EPSRC projects, industry and defence related project. He was the designer and champion of the Newcastle University's research catamaran and commissioning project, respectively, "The Princess Royal" which was built in 2011 and named by the HRH Princess Anne. Prof Atlar had organised and chaired numerous specialist international conferences in hydrodynamics field and has been regularly coordinating biannual int'l AMT Conference Series (Advanced Model Measurements Technologies for Maritime Industry) since 2009. So far he had supervised more than 25 successful PhD studies in the principal supervisor capacity.
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Laboratoire MAPIEM, EA 4323 Université de Toulon, 83041 Toulon, France. |
Christine Bressy obtained an Engineer Diploma from the National School of Chemistry of Montpellier, France and a Masters Degree in Polymer Interfaces & Amorphous states from the University of Montpellier in 1993 which she followed up with a Doctorate in Polymer Chemistry from the same institution investigating the synthesis and characterization of phosphonated monomers and polymers for anticorrosive coatings. She developed methods to introduce phosphonic acid groups onto fluoropolymers through grafting reaction or polymer blends. In 1996 Christine Bressy joined the MAPIEM laboratory based in Toulon, France, exploring novel polymers with controlled architectures and morphologies. As associate professor, she has supervised 12 PhD thesis based on the development of seawater hydrolysable (meth)acrylic polymers for marine antifouling purposes. She has a keen interest in future antifouling/fouling release strategies and demonstrating their mechanisms of action using surface and bulk analysis techniques, bioassays and field tests. Amongst other activities Christine Bressy’s responsibilities encompass the leading of the "antifouling surfaces" research axis of the MAPIEM laboratory and the participation in the scientific board of projects on the ship surface protection by antifouling paints. She has over 20 years of project/program experiences in the development of antifouling coatings. At present she is focused on the development of novel antifouling strategies based on the development of SPC/FRC hybrid strategies. Christine Bressy is also involved in testing and expertise proposals to industrial customers in the antifouling paint area.
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Ghent University EA15 - Maritime Technology Division maxim.candries@ugent.be |
Maxim Candries obtained a PhD degree at Newcastle University under the supervision of Prof. Mehmet Atlar on the topic of drag, roughness and boundary layer characteristics of marine surfaces coated with antifoulings. He worked as a special projects leader at Hydrex nv in Antwerp, co-ordinating the research activities on surface treated coatings under the EU Life Project ECOTEC-STC. He joined the Division of Maritime Technology at Ghent University in 2010 as a post-doctoral researcher. He is associated with the Knowledge Centre "Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water" and has carried out research with regards to the accessibility of deep-draughted vessels to ports, ship-ship interaction in confined environments and recommended speed limits for inland navigation vessels. He has also been involved in the development of wave energy devices and in ship performance studies, with particular attention to predict the effect of fouling by means of traditional regression methods or by applying big data analysis techniques.
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Since 2013 co-founder/co-owner of Sky Survey bv, one of the few licensed professional and commercial drone operators in The Netherlands. His background as Aeronautical Bachelor of Engineering combined with over 20 years of personnel consultancy in among others the maritime industry he will show possibilities how to apply new technology in inspection services with drones.
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Independent regulatory consultant to the biocides
and chemicals industry Annex3 Consulting Zandhuizerweg 33 NL - 8389 TC Zandhuizen The Netherlands linda.jones@annex3.eu www.annex3.eu |
Linda's interest in applied sciences resulted in a Chemistry degree in Utrecht in 1992, following electrochemistry research on semiconductors and pilot plant testing for the tin plating production line at the Hoogovens steel company. Her first employment contract involved development of analytical procedures and quality assurance management for NDT Europa B.V., a company specialising in penetrants for non-destructive testing and colorants for the petrochemical industry. After various consultancy roles, including projects for the Dutch Ministry of Environment for Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, in 2005 she acquired a position with SigmaKalon Marine & Protective Coatings (later PPG) in Product Stewardship & Regulatory Affairs, responsible for global product registration and permanent delegate for the CEPE, ACA and IPPIC coatings association's antifouling working groups.
2013 was the start of her own company Annex3 Consulting: she has since been operating as a self-employed independent consultant. Her work focuses on biocides legislation and ranges from support with biocidal product authorisation procedures and regulatory reviews to risk assessment, for multinationals as well as SME's, research institutes and startups, mostly connected with the coatings industry.
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Philips Research, High Tech Campus 34-6-068, 5656AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands m.j.jongerius@philips.com |
Michel Jongerius holds a PhD in Physics and has 37 years experience in Philips Research on innovations in lamps, integrated optics and lasers, and manufacturing technology. The last three years, he is project manager of the RunWell project on UV anti-fouling in a collaboration with Philips Intellectual Property & Standards.
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Expert Fouling Control & Material Protection ENDURES B.V., PO Box 505, 1780 AM Den Helder, The Netherlands Job.Klijnstra@endures.nl www.endures.nl |
After a study in Biology Job Klijnstra started his professional career in Insect Physiology by completing a PhD study at the Agricultural University in Wageningen, The Netherlands. Thereafter, he was appointed at TNO, The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research and worked for about 15 years on Insect Pest Control Methods.
About 20 years ago he moved to the Maritime Materials Research laboratory of TNO in Den Helder and became involved and later on responsible for the Antifouling Research program of TNO. In this position he worked as project manager in several large mixed funding projects on antifouling and corrosion and in B2B projects for coating and maritime industry.
In 2014 his research group split off from TNO to become an independent contract research company under the new name Endures B.V., involved in applied research on (microbial) corrosion, failure analysis and antifouling. The company has unique research facilities with a laboratory in the harbour of Den Helder having year round access to fresh natural seawater.
Since 2014 he is also coordinator and account manager for Navy related corrosion projects at Endures.
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The University of Newcastle, Australia Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability rob.melchers@newcastle.edu.au http://www.newcastle.edu.au/profile/rob-melchers |
Robert E. Melchers is Professor of Civil Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Australia. He holds a PhD from Cambridge University, UK, is a Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and an Honorary Fellow, The Institution of Engineers Australia.
He is currently the Chief investigator for two Australian Research Council Discovery grants, one ARC Linkage grant and has funding from the Australian, UK and US water industry. His previous ARC grants include two Professorial Fellowships, an Outstanding Research Fellowship and other Discovery and Linkage grants. Most recently he was one of two non-European Visiting Scientists participating in the EC Marie Curie Biocorr research program. He was also the chief corrosion investigator for the SCORCH-JIP, funded by members of the FPSO Research Forum.
He is the author of the graduate text 'Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction' (Wiley), now in its 3rd edition, as well as several other books. He has published more than 15 book chapters and over 250 journal articles, including many in Corrosion Science, Corrosion (NACE) and Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology.
His awards include: 2009 Australasian Corrosion Association's Corrosion Medal, 2012 Jin S Chung Award (International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers) and the 2013 John Connell Gold Medal (The Institution of Engineers, Australia). He was also the 2014 Eminent Speaker for the Structural College of The Institution of Engineers, Australia.
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Dr. Tine Missiaen has 30 years of experience in marine geophysical, geological, and geotechnical research. She has been actively involved in numerous European, national and Flemish research projects and coordinated several (inter)national research programmes. She participated in a large number of marine surveys, not only offshore but also in the nearshore and intertidal zones. She was coordinator of the recent successful SBO project 'SeArch' (Archaeological heritage in the North Sea; 2013-2016) which pioneered marine archaeological research in Belgium and put Flanders in a pole position with regard to cultural heritage in the North Sea. She was also actively involved in the EU COST Action 'SPLASHCOS' (Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf; 2009-2013). Dr. Missiaen has a long experience in munition dumpsite research. Since the 1990s she has been actively involved (as coordinator or co-coordinator) in various multidisciplinary Paardenmarkt studies. In the framework of the 'Paardenmarkt site evaluation' study (1999-2001) she organised an international workshop on munition dumpsites which resulted in the publication of a book. She also has been actively involved in munition dumpsite research in the Baltic Sea, as scientific responsible for UGent in the EU project 'MERCW' (Modelling the Environmental Risk of Chemical Weapons, 2006-2010) which resulted in a new integrated approach for buried munition detection and geochemical assessment.
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Jo Philips is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University in Denmark. She obtained her master degree in Environmental Technology in 2007 at KULeuven (Belgium) . She stayed at KULeuven to do a PhD (2012) under the supervision of Prof. Erik Smolders and Prof. Dirk Springael at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. Thanks to a grant of the Belgian American Educational Foundation, she got the opportunity to continue her research at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA) in collaboration with Prof. Derek Lovley. In 2014, she returned to Belgium to work with prof. Korneel Rabaey at the Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET). Since 2018, she works and lives in Denmark where she is building her own research group. Her main research interests are the exploration of the unique metabolic capacities of microorganisms and the development of new applications based on microbial processes. More specifically, her research focuses on microbial electrosynthesis, biocorrosion, electron transfer mechanisms, biofilm formation and bioremediation.
An overview of her publications can be found on GOOGLE SCHOLAR
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Emiliano Pinori has been employed at RISE - Research Institute of Sweden since 2008. He received his PhD in Surface Biophysics in 2013 from the University of Gothenburg. He is now both Research Scientist and Head of Business Development for the Department of Chemistry and Materials at RISE.
He has focused on antifouling research since 2008 starting with MARINORD project, a Nordic countries collaboration research program, focusing on novel biocides and release rate control (low emission and encapsulation of biocides). After that he has been coordinator for two other projects, the EU (FP7) LEAF project on Low Emission and the EU "OCEANERA-NET" OCEANIC project on corrosion and antifouling measures for ocean energy devices.
He has authored publications on the post settlement enhanced mortality used in the low emission concept used in many research projects and in material development projects.
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Antwerp Maritime Academy Department of Nautical Sciences Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium https://www.hzs.be/en/ www.researchgate.net/profile/Olivier_Schalm olivier.schalm@hzs.be |
Dr. Olivier Schalm finished his studies in Chemistry at the University of Antwerp in 1994. During his PhD, he specialized himself in the chemical characterization and in degradation processes of heritage materials. Later, he was involved in several projects in a large variety of domains (e.g., science information, cleaning of aged surfaces, etc.). He has currently 41 A1 publications and a h-index of 15 (see: www.researchgate.net/profile/Olivier_Schalm ). One of his most important projects is AIRCHECQ, a network project of about 1 million euro. In that project, the impact of air quality on heritage collections in museums is visualized by processing data streams obtained from several environmental parameters. Since 2016, dr. Olivier Schalm joined the Antwerp Maritime Academy where he supports ongoing research activities.
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Head of the Communications Department of VLIZ (Flanders Marine Institute - Belgium), former chair of the European Marine Board Communications Panel (2010-2017) and member of the news & information group of POGO (Partnership on Observation of the Global Ocean). Trained as a marine biologist – with a PhD in seabird research - and initially active in marine and estuarine research in Belgium/Netherlands (10 years) and as a managing-director (2 years) of a bilateral Kenya-Belgium cooperation in marine sciences. Educational experience as a teacher, tourist guide and developer of learning platforms. As head of communications at VLIZ over the past 18 years, he developed a wide-ranging expertise in communicating scientific information to policy-makers, researchers, schools and the public at large, with a special interest in how to engage the public. One of the pioneers of the Ocean Literacy movement in Europe and main organizer of the First Conference on Ocean Literacy in Europe (12 Oct 2012, Bruges) and of CommOCEAN 2016.
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School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton |
Professor Martin Smith is a geochemist with 25 years experience working on geochemistry in relation to ore deposits, environmental issues and mineralogy. He completed his PhD at the University of Leeds, worked as a researcher at the Natural History Museum, London, and since 2001 has been a lecturer at the University of Brighton. In 2018 he was awarded a personal chair in geochemistry at the University of Brighton. Since 2014 he has been working on problems in the mineralogy and biogeochemistry of marine corrosion with colleagues in civil engineering and microbiological research.
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jeroen.tacq@sirris.be |
As a materials engineer, Jeroen Tacq has built up expertise focused on the selection, use, degradation and protection of mainly metallic materials. Through the application of innovative materials engineering techniques, he strives to contribute to a sustainable development of our economy and society.
In 2011, Jeroen graduated as a materials engineer from the department of Materials Engineering (MTM) at the KULeuven. He stayed at MTM until 2015 to finish a Ph.D., investigating the interplay between residual stresses and microstructural elements in cold rolled pearlitic steel. Following this academic career, he took the step towards industry, working on the development and application of Laser Cladding, a 3D printing technique for metals, capable of hybrid manufacturing. During this job, Jeroen gained a profound insight in the various Additive Manufacturing technologies, including their advantages and limitations. As a materials engineer, understanding the metallurgy behind printing a high quality product, has become one of Jeroen's key interests.
In 2017, Jeroen started working for Sirris, the collective centre for the Belgian Technological Industry, first as a consultant and later as a full-time employee. At Sirris, Jeroen has to tackle many challenges related to materials engineering, including Additive Manufacturing, metal casting, residual stresses and corrosion. While as a materials engineer he has a good background on corrosion, he first got hands-on knowledge through the European NeSSIE project, focusing on the corrosion of structures for Offshore Renewable Energy. His focus is now on technologies for monitoring corrosion and coating degradation; and the application of innovative anti-corrosion solutions in harsh environments. Harsh environments are not limited to offshore structures, but also includes for example swimming pools, near-shore and industrial environments.
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PhD in Applied Sciences e-mail: krista.vandenbergh@ocas.be |
Dr. Krista Van den Bergh (°1975) is senior project engineer in the department surfaces of OCAS (OnderzoeksCentrum voor de Aanwending van Staal). OCAS is an advanced R&D centre active in metallurgy, coating and application development and providing metal based products and services. OCAS is part of the Finocas holding, which is a venture between ArcelorMittal and the Flemisch Region.
She holds a PhD in analytical chemistry/electrochemistry from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (B)/University of Gent and has more than 20 years of experience in the field of corrosion research. During her PhD she worked on the corrosion mechanisms of steel in reinforced concrete. After her PhD, she joined OCAS in the materials characterization department where she was responsible for different state-of-the-art analytical characterization techniques, electrochemistry and corrosion research.
Afterwards she became senior project engineer in the department surfaces of OCAS, where she is still active. Her main research domains are corrosion studies on metallic coatings (Zn/Al based coatings), accelerated corrosion testing, and the development of temporary corrosion protection of steel substrates. Also metallic coatings (Al/Cr) applied by electrodeposition from (non)-aqueous solutions are part of her research field. Besides corrosion she is also involved in the full characterisation and testing of different technological aspects of surfaces from macro to micro and even to nanoscale.
Besides atmospheric corrosion, she is active in corrosion related topics in the oil and gas industry, more specific hydrogen embrittlement and sulfide stress corrosion cracking of high strength steels in sour service conditions. In the energy market, she is involved projects on the reduction of the life-cycle costs of large offshore structures by developing new metallic coatings with improved corrosion protection properties and seeking a cost-effective corrosion-resistant steel substrate, which would in fact need no coating at all.
She has been actively involved in numerous European, national and Flemish research projects and supervised many bachelor/master students in the field of electrochemistry and corrosion methodology. Since 2012 she is also an expert member of the Technical committee Finishing & coatings at RFCS at European Commission (TGS5).
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Antwerp Maritime Academy Department of Nautical Sciences Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium https://www.hzs.be/en/ https://www.researchgate.net/search?q=Kris%20De%20Baere kris.de.baere@hzs.be |
Capt. Dr. Kris De Baere (°1958) has a long lasting relationship with the Antwerp Maritime Academy. He started as a student in 1977 and obtained an academic master in Nautical Sciences in 1988 and his master mariners license f.g. in 1990. After 15 years at sea, mainly on board oil and chemical tankers, he returned to the AMA, as a lecturer, to pass on his love for the sea, mixed with a lot of knowledge and experience. In 1993 (till 2015) he became the dean of the faculty of Nautical Sciences. In 2007 he started together with Dr. Verstraelen and Dr. Potters the corrosion research group and in 2011 his research work has been awarded with a PhD - In situ study of the significant parameters governing corrosion in ballast tanks on board merchant vessels.
When he is not lecturing, climbing up and down ballast tanks, attending meetings or writing articles he becomes enchanted by antique maritime memorabilia and tries to put together the most exciting collection in the world (at least).
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Antwerp Maritime Academy Department of Nautical Sciences Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium https://www.hzs.be/en/ raf.meskens@hzs.be |
Drs. Raf Meskens (°1968) also obtained the degree of Master in Nautical Sciences at the Antwerp Maritime Academy in 2008. He has a supplementary degree in Safety and Environmental Technology, obtained at Agoria, Sector Federation of the Technological Industry. After his maritime career, with a final rank of Second Officer, sailing on board bulk carriers, ferry boats and dredgers, he pursued a career on shore, first ten years as a P&I Surveyor and later on as head of the Logistics, Safety and Environmental Department at Antwerp Ship Repair. Never been out of the maritime community he joined the Antwerp Maritime Academy as a teacher in 2009. In 2013 he joined the corrosion team of the AMA and since November 2013 commenced working on his dissertation involving involving "anti-fouling protection on ships' hull - evaluation of recent developments and formulation of innovative alternatives".
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Antwerp Maritime Academy Department of Nautical Sciences Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium https://www.hzs.be/en/ deirdre.luyckx@hzs.be |
Dr. Deirdre Luyckx (°1977) was trained as a mathematician and obtained a PhD in finite geometry as well as a Master's degree in statistical data analysis at Ghent University. She started working as a lecturer at Antwerp Maritime Academy in 2007, as such entering the fascinating maritime sector. Since then she is involved in strengthening the mathematical and statistical foundations of research and education at AMA. After some years of cooperation in the background with members of AMACORT and co-authoring some publications, she recently joined the team. In the future she wants to continue her role of statistical and mathematical conscience of the team.
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Antwerp Maritime Academy Department of Nautical Sciences Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium https://www.hzs.be/en/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Geert_Potters geert.potters@hzs.be |
Dr Geert Potters (°1976) is member of the corrosion team at the Antwerp Maritime Academy. Originally not trained as a maritime scientist but as a plant physiologist, he defended a Ph D on antioxidants and plant growth, and proceeded by investigating the use of bamboo in a sustainable green economy. However, as a proud inhabitant of Europe's second largest port, he found his way into the maritime sector, helped to set up the corrosion team in 2006, co-authored a decent amount of publications on the subject and was mentor for two PhD dissertations in Nautical Sciences at the Academy. Currently, he is looking for links between biology (micro-organisms) and the shipping world (sustained by a NATO grant), and tries to make future captains to feel involved and enthusiastic about sustainable development and a greener world. He writes for a popular scientific, journal, sings (though not in the lab) and likes to confuse honest sailors with words like "multivariate statistics", "environmental metagenomics" and "impact factor".
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Antwerp Maritime Academy Department of Nautical Sciences Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium https://www.hzs.be/en/ remke.willemen@hzs.be |
Dra. ir. Remke Willemen (°1976) entered the maritime sector as a teenager involved in sailing. She graduated in Nautical Sciences at the Maritime Academy in 1998. She continued her studies and obtained an engineering degree in Maritime Technology at the Technical University in Delft. Her professional career started as a surveyor and joined the AMA as a teacher in 2012. Shortly after, she completes the corrosion team of the AMA and since November 2013 she commenced working on her dissertation involving "the influence of the application of a coating in ballast tanks of ships on the corrosion resistance of coatings".